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In 1997, the first $10,000 scholarship was awarded to a graduating Mashpee High School Senior planning to study the fine, applied, creative or performing arts, or prepare for a career related to community, civic, or public service.

In 1998, the scholarship fund received a generous donation from the Yanoff family in memory of Donna Lynn Yanoff. The scholarship was renamed the ‘Donna Lynn Yanoff Memorial Scholarship’. In 2017, The Mashpee Pops Merit Scholarship was established. It is awarded on a case by case basis on the individual merit of the student(s). Potential recipients of the award will come from the pool of applicants for the DLYM Scholarship. Typically $1,000 to $$2,000 – one time Scholarship. Then in 2021, the $10,000 James Vaccaro Memorial Fund was established, which is distributed over 4 years. 

The scholarships are presented to the recipient(s) on the night of the Mashpee High School Award Ceremony.

Scholarship Requirements

  1. Academic Award to a graduating Mashpee High School Senior. (Must live in Mashpee).
  2. Award in amount of $2,500 per year for up to 4 years contingent upon maintaining a cumulative 3.0 Grade Point Average each semester. (totaling $10,000).
  3. Eligible applicants are graduating Mashpee Seniors planning to study the fine, applied, or performing arts or to prepare for a career related to community, civic, or public service.

Applicants must provide the Mashpee Pops Scholarship Committee with the following by April 1st:

  • Scholarship Application Form (obtain from Guidance Office).
  • High school transcript, SAT scores and any honors conferred.
  • Three written references, including names, addresses and phone numbers; at least one reference must be from school.
  • Information in your interests, hobbies, school and community activities, jobs and volunteer work.
  • Lists of institutes of higher learning applied to and respective acceptance status.
  • A statement of no more than 300 words explaining your career plans and why you are applying for this scholarship.

Students should submit applications & other pertaining documents to Mashpee Guidance Department by April 1st.